This gif was made from an effect called Voronoi Strippin. I played around with it as website header.
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Reimagining the developer platform for one of the world's most controversal brands.
Re-skinning the OTT's outdated, bloated, and confusing website.
A brand identity for a new rotisserie chicken restaurant.
Creating an identity for a non-profit supporting the community of Anacosita.
An app that makes it easy for new homeonwers to manage their home.
A random dump of thing and stuff and whatnots.
Every year we launch products assuming users will follow the instructions, but predicting all the ways we will use new technology is impossible. The top two uses of the internet have always been pornography and spell-checking — two things we had well before Tim changed everything.
Growing up we’ve been taught that self-control is a test of willpower, determination, and sacrifice. In fact, self-control is an indulgence.
Saying yes is a euphoric and rewarding experience. But we need to say yes with more discretion.
Since 2016, the top ten grossing movies each year have been either sequels or franchise films because they are guaranteed to be successful — but they’re rarely the movies that move culture forward.
In modern times, the things we fear have become so constant rather than immediate that we don’t fight or flee — we freeze.
We want to make fewer decisions because decisions take energy. But ease and simplicity are two separate things. Simple isn’t easy. Simple takes sacrifice.
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